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Glenesse David
Apr 15, 20221 min read
Whatever it is, if you want it, no one can take it from you.
It's been a little over a week since I graduated from the Advanced Leaders Course at the Noncommissioned Officer Academy as the DHG.
Glenesse David
Dec 17, 20211 min read
Change is good. Embrace it.
We can't let the fear of the unknown dictate how we navigate through life. Don't let that shit hold you. We growing and glowing out here.
Glenesse David
Dec 21, 20202 min read
Renovation revealed: I remodeled my kitchen!
Being able to see the fruits are amazing. There were moments I second guessed myself, but I'm okay with how everything turned out.
Glenesse David
Sep 2, 20202 min read
Generational curses end with you.
We lack financial literacy in our communities. In retrospect, we could not teach what we did not know. At this point, the burden is ours.
Glenesse David
Jun 12, 20202 min read
Before I was anything else, I WAS BLACK.
Racism is so embedded in the fibers of America that protesting it comes off like you are protesting America. Black lives matter. Period.
Glenesse David
Apr 14, 20201 min read
Self Appraisals: You're worth every penny.
As much as I be on here trying to inspire y'all to live and be your authentic, bomb ass self, sometimes I forget to follow my own advice....
Delilah Star
Mar 23, 20201 min read
Modern Day Superheroes: It's okay to take the mask off.
Follow my blog with Bloglovin Smile, be graceful, stand tall, be strong, persevere! Don’t you dare give up! PUSH PUSH PUSH! Be better, do...
Glenesse David
Mar 19, 20202 min read
Everything isn't a conspiracy. We did this shit.
We touched things, other people and our faces. We became carriers and we should take some responsibility in that.
Glenesse David
Mar 3, 20201 min read
I had nothing to say, so I didn't say anything.
It be like that sometimes. I don't remember if I've told y'all this before, but I won't ever force it. If there isn't anything rumbling...
Glenesse David
Jan 13, 20201 min read
Protect your peace: Family, Friend and Foe included.
Foster relationships with people who deserve them. People aren't allowed to drain your life force because they're related to you.
Glenesse David
Dec 4, 20191 min read
You don't need a new year to be a new you
There’s no magical day to start. Don’t wait. Don’t put it off. Fuck waiting for Monday. Fuck waiting for January. Whatever it is you want...
Frankie Morris
Nov 21, 20194 min read
My biggest trial birthed my greatest blessing
You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have. - Bob Marley This statement has proved to be true. I...
Glenesse David
Nov 18, 20191 min read
If people don’t like you, that isn’t your fucking problem
The mere fact that you are living a HAPPY and FULFILLING life will anger people. The fact that people genuinely enjoy you as a person...
Glenesse David
Nov 12, 20191 min read
If it doesn't serve you, leave it where it's at.
That's on God and gang. I promise you, those jobs, family, friends, and acquaintances would replace you in a heartbeat if you didn't...
Glenesse David
Oct 6, 20191 min read
Over the Hill..
It's been a week since my 31st birthday and I'm continuing to take life a day at a time. My love still feels new. My job hasn't driven me...
Glenesse David
Sep 25, 20191 min read
R e f r e s h
I took an unscheduled break. Just when it seemed like I had caught my second wind with blogging this year both my MacBook and iPhone...
Glenesse David
Sep 2, 20191 min read
Lemme drive the boat.
Yesterday my blog sister Jeaiza over at Gyul Meets World started a 30 day reflective journal challenge! I'll be answering the...
Glenesse David
Aug 25, 20194 min read
Because of You..
So I know this post will be a little different from my regularly scheduled programming, but I wanted to do it. It's been weighing heavy...
Glenesse David
Aug 9, 20191 min read
All health is important, don't neglect any of it.
There have been multiple instances lately where I've had to step away and go stand by the ocean. I know I say this over and over but your...
Glenesse David
Aug 5, 20191 min read
Sweet Sunset.
Follow my blog with Bloglovin I've been hanging out in the South Pacific and I must say I cant complain. My evening are filled with sand...
Are you interested in an absoluteDoll collaboration?
Glenesse gained her following as a spirited fashion, beauty, and lifestyle blogger with over 10 years of social media experience. She is always available to represent brands that align with her lifestyle, and loves introducing her subscribers to new and innovative content, clothing and brands across all the different platforms.
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